The Adorkables
Nayeli (BellyBoo)
Baby Kheaven
Down Syndrome
i heart faces
Photo Flashback Friday
Thankful Thursday
Wordless Wednesday
52 Weeks
Your Gonna Miss This Moment
Wordful Wednesday
Friday, May 26, 2006
A Year and a Half

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Oh my...
Hello family and friends! Sorry we haven't been updating as often lately... It's been sort of hectic around the Green home lately. Sam's been doing a lot of work and he'll probably be promoted to second class soon because of it, I've gotten my wisdom teeth pulled and finished my spring semester of college, and Austin... Well Austin has just kept being his precious self. :-)
Yesterday he was playing and he tripped into a bookshelf and cut his bottom lip and the skin below his bottom lip open. He went to the emergency room and got two stitches. He gets Advil and a popsicle every six hours to help him cope with the pain and he is his usual chipper self.
We still haven't managed to make it up north to visit our family. Work and teeth problems prevented us from that... Now we are planning a third trip that will hopefully take place and it is for the first weekend of June. We are all looking forward to it very much.
Recently Austin began using eating utinsils with his meals. He is doing a spectacular job and is well on his way to being a "big boy."
The little tough guy isn't really nursing anymore and sits at the table to eat. He loves french fries, potato salad, juice, cheese and pizza.
He still says new things everyday. I couldn't possibly keep track of it all on a blog anymore. He's very cheery and hyper and loves to mimic and tickle.
He has a doctor's appointment next Wednesday to get his stitches out, and he needs to get his 15 and 18 month booster shots.
:-S Poor little dude can hardly catch a break. He's a great kid though. :-)
Yesterday he was playing and he tripped into a bookshelf and cut his bottom lip and the skin below his bottom lip open. He went to the emergency room and got two stitches. He gets Advil and a popsicle every six hours to help him cope with the pain and he is his usual chipper self.

He has a doctor's appointment next Wednesday to get his stitches out, and he needs to get his 15 and 18 month booster shots.
:-S Poor little dude can hardly catch a break. He's a great kid though. :-)
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Busy Week

Today I got to visit Katie's house while mommy went to the dentist. Katie took me for a walk to McDonalds. I fell asleep on the way home and when I woke up mommy was there. I got to play with Katie's doggies and her son Carlos. Carlos is four and likes to play with me a lot.
Tomorrow we are leaving for northern California. We'll probably have another busy weekend. Happy Mother's Day to all my grandma's/great grandma's. And to all the other mothers who read this. :-)
Saturday, May 6, 2006
Walking and Talking

Today on our walk there were some dogs barking and I said "quiet!" I also have recently learned some words in sign language. I can say "eat" and "more." I understand "all gone/finished." Mommy just started teaching that to me three days ago and I am catching on fast.
Next weekend I get to go up to northern California and visit my grandma and grandpa and aunts and uncles and cousins. Mom and dad are hoping that I take a long nap on the way there, or at least that I'm content to sit in a car seat for eight hours or more.
The picture posted with this entry of me is from about a week ago. I love throwing my ball and playing catch. I can also kick. Dad and mom like to play ball with me.
Thursday, May 4, 2006
Words, words, words...

Today I pointed to some bushes and said "bushes." And mommy showed me some pretty flowers and I said "pitty." I said, "pitty," a few more times for practice while we looked at some different flowers and when mommy showed me a pink wand after we went inside.
Mom and I played with some of my toys while daddy took a nap. I like making banging sounds with anything I can. We all just finished watching "Hoodwinked," and now I have to go to bed. Other than saying "bushes" and "tree," I can also say "belly button," it sounds like "bay button," and this weekend I learned how to say "butt." The new words are coming along well.
Oh yeah, this morning when mom came and got me out of my crib she asked me what I wanted and I said, "cheese." and then she said, "okay, I'll get you cheese," and then I said, "juice." We also had some cereal after the cheese stick and juice. It's nice to have people be able to understand what I want. :-D
Monday, May 1, 2006
My Weekend

On Saturday dad and mom had a barbecue. I liked it because I got to eat hotdogs and play outside. While I was wondering around I ventured into the laundry room following a couple and their baby. Mom and I met them and they are sort of new at the complex and the same ages as daddy and mommy. Their little girl is eight and a half months. I got to play with her for a little while because it was her outside time too.
I said two/three more words this weekend... "cheese," "cracker," and "cookie." Three of my favorate things! ;-)
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