
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Speak for Someone Who Can't

Tonight a newborn baby boy with Down syndrome is fighting for his life in Arkansas Children's Hospital. He was born a twin and the adoptive parents chose only to take the baby without Ds. The adoption agency put a DNR (do not resuscitate) order on this baby.There are families who want to adopt this baby but we must get Governor Beebe to lift the DNR order so this baby lives long enough to unite with his forever family.

E-mail the governor.

Please feel free to use any part of my e-mail as your own.

My e-mail:
Dear Governor Beebe,
It has been brought to my attention that there is a child in an Arkansas hospital that was born with Down syndrome.  He was a twin and his adoptive parents decided to take his healthy sibling and leave him.  The adoption agency put a DNR order on him and it can only be lifted by you.

I am the parent of an amazing 14 month old who has Down syndrome.  He is healthy and vibrant and I know he will be a productive member of society someday.  Please give this precious life a chance.  He may hold answers to the cure for Alzeimers, heart disease, or something else.  If nothing else he will make a difference in the life of a family who very much wants to adopt him.

Just because the family he was originally meant to be with didn't want him doesn't mean there aren't others out there.  There are.  As a member of several Down syndrome communities I have seen an outreach in the past 24 hours.  Please, Governor, please lift the DNR order.

Amy Green
Proud parent of a child with Down syndrome.


The Mommy said...

Amy, I dropped by your site because I noticed you following mine an I wanted to check you out. Some how THIS post grabbed me and I had to read it. PLEASE give me an you have one?

The Mommy said...

Actually Amy I am not sure that you are my follower, but I think I found you via someone that follows us both..:)


A Lady Called Amy said...

The Dnr was lifted.. however not too long ago the baby passed away.