
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hi There 2011!

It doesn't really matter how one year ends and another begins, each has it ups and downs. Every day is a chance to make new choices, to take a step in becoming who we want to be, to make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others.

The new year doesn't typically mean a lot to me. I try to take a day at a time. I do like to reflect a little more around the end of one year and the beginning of another... I also like to re-evaluate my goals and make adjustments if needed.

Don’t Buy “Stuff.”
The kids have enough toys. I have enough “things.” We ALL have enough clothes! There should be no reason, other than impulse to buy things. Yes, sometimes it feels good to make a purchase, but we just end up with more than we need and all that stuff is completely overwhelming!
Eat Fresh!
After watching Food Inc. I am completely motivated to eat better. I have been working on this, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like the cheapest choice to make, but after doing it for a few months I’ve found that it is cheaper than the way I was eating before, by about $150, at least. Before I started buying almost all of my food from the organic section at the store I was spending $500 a month on food. Now I’m down to $350. I am also working on eating what’s in season and when the Farmer’s Market opens back up I am hoping to become more acquainted with it!
Keep Up With Housework.
During this time apart from Austin I have had time and energy to catch up on some housework. I still have a little way to go, but by the time he is back I should have things how I have wanted them for a very long time. It is my goal to keep up with this throughout 2011 and beyond! I plan on being held accountable to this by posting pix either here or in a blog every week of my home. Even if that means I have to clean to take the pix... Then I HAVE to clean. ;-)

Along with what's listed I want to work on some different things with my photography... I want to read the Bible more, maybe get all the way through it finally... And I'm sure there are other things I'm forgetting to mention, but they're on a piece of paper or in my head somewhere. :)

Here's wishing everyone a positive perspective on life, hope when all seems lost, strength at your weakest points, and the ability to recognize the moments that make it all worth it!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

A great post! I also tend to reflect and reminicse around this time of year. I'm looking forward to seeing some of your pictures!