At her two month check up, which she had at three months, she was 12 pounds and 21.5 inches long. At her most recent appointment she was 12 pounds, and 24 inches. She is in the third percentile for weight and the tenth for height... A little peanut indeed! The doctor is going to check up on her again this Friday and see if she has gained any weight by then.
She is a very active little girl though. She can roll across rooms, and she does! She rolls, scoots, spins and kicks.
She also talks and talks and talks! :-D Yesterday she said a combination of mama, nana, no, my mama, daddy, and how are you... Which sounded more like "howrrruuuu?!" This went on for 15 minutes. I was ecstatic. :-D My baby's growin' up! :-P
Omigosh! She was adorable/strange on the 4th of July. She did not flinch one little bit for the fireworks... She barely even blinked! However, she passed all her hearing tests and is talking very well, and looks at me when I say her name from across the room. So, no worries there. :-D
Oh~ She went on her first plane ride, to Kansas City, Missouri, on June 26th. She did incredibly well. The flight attendant stole her for a little bit and EVERYONE fell in love with her sparkling blue eyes! :-) It was great to see all the people swooning over her. She's adollable! ;-)
Also, Nayeli was in daycare (with me in the room) from mid-April to mid-June. She absolutely loved all of the excitement. She was in a room with kids ages six weeks to two years. :-) She had a little friend named Ryker who was only a month or two older than her, and another friend Madix, who was also two months older than her. She's a fairly social tiny baby, she fits in very well with Austin and myself. :-D
Lately we've just been working on sitting and talking. She's also had rice cereal about three times. She really doesn't like it. After she hits the six month mark we're going to start introducing some veggies into her diet and see if she takes to those any better. I can't believe how fast she's developing, but she's still tiny... at least she can seem like my itty bitty baby for a little while longer. ;-) :-D
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