The Adorkables
Nayeli (BellyBoo)
Baby Kheaven
Down Syndrome
i heart faces
Photo Flashback Friday
Thankful Thursday
Wordless Wednesday
52 Weeks
Your Gonna Miss This Moment
Wordful Wednesday
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
i heart faces: Hilarious Outtakes
This picture was from Kheaven's first month. I can't tell if that's an excited face or a hungry face. It makes me smile either way!
I love his mohawk in this picture!
Finding a "silly" picture of Nayeli is VERY difficult, but after thinking about it for a few minutes I recalled this particular one.
"Discovering One's Hand"
^It appears to have been a triumphant feat for the little one.
"First Pickle"
The title says it all!
And those are my "Hilarious Outtakes" for this weeks photo challenge at i ♥ faces.
Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
): Back to Work - No Time for Blog :(
I know it had to happen sooner or later, but I am working again. It's really not that much at all, but it still takes away time and energy that I had been able to spend blogging. :-P
Happy Holidays!!!
We are expecting some bad weather here over the next few days so we will be sitting tight in our nice warm home. We may venture out to look at lights and visit with Santa, and possibly see a movie or two... but mostly we will be playing games, doing projects and singing Christmas songs.
Nana and Pop are wanting to brave the weather to come and visit us, but if they don't make it we will see them when the weather does permit it.
All the presents from Grandpa P. are under the tree and teasing ALL of us. I can't wait!!! I think I may be more excited than the kiddos. :-O
I'm sort of excited for more snow too. The last snow wasn't good for making snowmen, and I want to!
Kheaven just turned three months old. He is doing wonderfully! It's just under a month until Nayeli is two and she is doing great as well! Austin has been helpful and wonderful as usual. He has been into playing Mario brothers on the original Nintendo lately. It's fun to play the game with him. It brings me back to being little. :-)
That's all for now. Hopefully I can find a way to blog more soon.
God bless everyone this holiday season, and I hope your 2010's start out magnificently!
Happy Holidays!!!
We are expecting some bad weather here over the next few days so we will be sitting tight in our nice warm home. We may venture out to look at lights and visit with Santa, and possibly see a movie or two... but mostly we will be playing games, doing projects and singing Christmas songs.
Nana and Pop are wanting to brave the weather to come and visit us, but if they don't make it we will see them when the weather does permit it.
All the presents from Grandpa P. are under the tree and teasing ALL of us. I can't wait!!! I think I may be more excited than the kiddos. :-O
I'm sort of excited for more snow too. The last snow wasn't good for making snowmen, and I want to!
Kheaven just turned three months old. He is doing wonderfully! It's just under a month until Nayeli is two and she is doing great as well! Austin has been helpful and wonderful as usual. He has been into playing Mario brothers on the original Nintendo lately. It's fun to play the game with him. It brings me back to being little. :-)
That's all for now. Hopefully I can find a way to blog more soon.
God bless everyone this holiday season, and I hope your 2010's start out magnificently!
(Christmas pictures to come soon.)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
i heart faces: Sun Flare

Since Austin was old enough to toddle around outside I have loved taking pictures with the sun behind him. He is my sunshine!
This is one I took about two years ago or so.
To see more "flare" go to i ♥ faces!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
In the Midst of Autumn
It's been a little more difficult for me to blog as much lately. Kheaven doesn't sleep all the time anymore and even though he probably only sees a doctor/specialist twice a month it seems like we're going to an appointment every week... And actually everyone, but Kheaven and Jeremy, still have been sick. So we really have been going to the doctor that much!
The pretty little welcome sign and candle above are my present for being Julie @Foursons 100th follower! She also sent this cute little pumpkin.
Nayeli is inlove with it for reasons beyond me, but she's cute about it... Any time she's gotten her hands on it she shouts "Punk! Punk!" :-)
Even through all the sickness Austin hasn't missed any preschool. The last letter he brought home was "G," and his last class he got to go on a fieldtrip to the library. They watched a puppet show with a spider and a flower. The spider loved the flower, or so Austin says.
When my family was visiting my grandparents gave Austin some presents in advance for his b-day. That is actually coming up not this week but next week. He's going to be FIVE already! ..tear.. :-) I'm so proud of the little person he is growing into though.
The picture below is him with his Crayola Color Explosion Glow Board!
I L♥ve It!!
Nayeli is over her double eye/double ear infection. Because of the antibiotics she was on she also got a fungal infection, but that's almost gone too now. We helped support the economy by filling all her perscriptions though! She continues to talk more, and more, and more, every day! She's so fun to listen to and to watch! The following picture was her dressed in her brothers shoes and my hat. She was just playing dressup, or she ReaLLy wanted to go outside. Either way she was adorable.
Kheaven has been his wonderful self. He has had a little bit of a stuffy nose, but nothing saline drops and a boogy sucker haven't helped. He has rolled over a total of eight times now and he will be eight weeks old tomorrow. (I think I can stop counting when he rolls over now.)
He has been doing this thing lately during tummy time where it looks like he is trying to crawl for things we lay out in front of him. Mostly it's just a lot of kicking of the alternating feet, but he does manage to scoot a little.
I was at Old Navy the other day and I found the cutest shirt on clearance for him...
The other night I went out for my friend Julia's birthday. This was my first time going out with friends, without the kids, since April of 2008. I really end up missing them when I'm without them, but it was great to have a night out and meet some new friends.
Baby Kheaven,
Nayeli (BellyBoo),
The Adorkables
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of being visited by some of my family from Wisconsin! They only stayed a few days, but it was wonderful to see them, and I got to snap a few pictures too. The kids especially enjoyed the visit and the presents they got from their Gramma J. Can't wait to see them all again. :)
My Grammy
My Mama (the kids "Gramma J")
My God-mom & My Baby
I love having people around to take pictures of and was happy that they let me take their pictures!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Loves of My Life
Halloween 2009
**EDIT: We do NOT have the flu, this was posted on a door in the neighborhood we trick-or-treated in. I thought a picture was neccessary cuz it's sort of a sign of the times. Swine Flu pandemic 2009.
Thanks for the well wishes though.**
You can't see it the best in this picture, unless you click on it that is, but the sign on this door says, "We have the flu, Sorry!"
Makes me wonder how many people/little kids were stuck inside. I hope they all get better soon and got to enjoy autumn festivities in some way shape or form.
Austin was lucky enough to have two costumes this year... one was Optimus Prime, the other was Dan Bakugan as shown in a previous post.
Here he is as the transformer.
Nayeli was my little pink ladybug!
My TRANSFORMING little pink ladybug.
Kheaven was my little mono. (That's monkey in spanish.)Jeremy was a blast from the past in a leisure suit from his uncle.
He looks all proud of his little trick-or-treater. (This was the first year he got off of work for the occasion.)
Austi as DB again and the sweet little ladybug. They seem all grown up able to get hold they're bags up all their own and everything. :) I love 'em!
Hope everyone out there had a safe and happy halloween.
And now...
Happy All Saints Sunday!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
WW: DO NOT leave children unattended! of the many reasons you cannot leave children unattended when there is water in the tub... I answered my phone, two feet away from the bathroom door, said, "I'm giving the kids a bath." and then heard Austin, "MOM, Nayeli's in the bathtub!"... I was ready to give her a piece of my mind, but I couldn't stop laughing.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I Heart Faces: Halloween Dress Up

Austin looking at himself in the mirror, admiring the costume his Gramma J got him while she was here visiting.
To see more cute trick-or-treaters and whatnot visit I ♥ Faces!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I'm gonna miss this...
I'm going to miss getting away with wearing a hoodie to keep warm for the next three/four months.
I think she might miss it too. Those big, bulky winter jackets are so restricting.
Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely autumn!
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